Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Why We Chose The Genre Psychological Thriller

Psychological Thriller?
The genre that we have chosen for our Title Sequence is, 'psychological Thriller'. We believe we can invent an original, unique and creative narrative for our Title Sequence using some of the genres well known stylistic elements. Many Psychological Thrillers that have already been made have been very successful in gaining audience interest. The genre 'Thriller' and its close comparative genre 'Horror', capture their audiences with their high tension, suspense and mystery. 
         Film Genre: Psychological Thriller
We want to captive our audience in the same way, by making the pace of the filming fit the level of mystery and suspense we want it to adopt. We will use slow motion, to get that eerie and unpleasant feeling. Imagery will be the main focus of our Title Sequence used to get the audience to piece what's shown in the title sequence together to have a guess at the films narrative, however we will leave a lot of questions unanswered so the audience will want to find out in the film what the answers to the clues are.

Suspense, Mystery and Tension.

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Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Why We Chose The Genre Psychological Thriller

Psychological Thriller?
The genre that we have chosen for our Title Sequence is, 'psychological Thriller'. We believe we can invent an original, unique and creative narrative for our Title Sequence using some of the genres well known stylistic elements. Many Psychological Thrillers that have already been made have been very successful in gaining audience interest. The genre 'Thriller' and its close comparative genre 'Horror', capture their audiences with their high tension, suspense and mystery. 
         Film Genre: Psychological Thriller
We want to captive our audience in the same way, by making the pace of the filming fit the level of mystery and suspense we want it to adopt. We will use slow motion, to get that eerie and unpleasant feeling. Imagery will be the main focus of our Title Sequence used to get the audience to piece what's shown in the title sequence together to have a guess at the films narrative, however we will leave a lot of questions unanswered so the audience will want to find out in the film what the answers to the clues are.

Suspense, Mystery and Tension.

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